
1. New Awareness         2. New Skill          3. Professional Standards

Foundations of Generative Leadership Workshop

New Awareness: The first step into elevating your Generative Leadership is through the Foundations of Generative Leadership (FGL) workshop. The FGL takes you past the blind spots of mainstream culture to produce new awareness of  how the aspects of communication, coordination, language, emotions, and embodied learning enable us to more powerfully generate the future we care about instead of living with our unexamined limits. It focuses on real world skills and strategies, and introduces you to practices to go beyond concepts to embodied skills in action.

In your FGL you receive:

  • 19.5 hours of live workshop with over a dozen experiential learning exercises with other participants and accompanying worksheets
  • 3 books (Mastery by George Leonard, Small Steps to Success by Robert Maurer, and The Innovator’s Way by Peter Denning and Robert Dunham)
  • The paper “The Generative Foundations of Action in Organizations”
  • You are offered a half hour introductory call before the workshop
  • Coaches receive 23.5 ICF CCEUs (21.5 Core Competencies, 2 Resource Development)

You are invited to this three-day experience that will shift your future and that of your teams, organizations, or communities. This experience amplifies your skills and opens up new dimensions of leadership impact, to invent a better future for yourself, your family, your organization, and your community.

Excellence in Generative Leadership Program

New Skill: You need guided practice to embody new skills. Leadership is a performance art and we can guide you to develop your skills on the job and in your life. Building on your learning in the Foundations for Generative Leadership is Excellence in Generative Leadership (EGL), a 4 month, intensive practice-based program designed to elevate your coaching and leadership value and impact through application with your work and life commitments. The EGL is a pre-requisite to our longer programs – the Generative Leadership Program (GLP) and the Coaching Excellence in Organizations (CEO) program.

In your EGL program you:

  • Build on what you learned at the FGL workshop – the FGL workshop is a prerequisite for the EGL.
  • Will practice hands-on new conversational and leadership skills on the job and in your life.
  • Receive: 20 videos, 22 audios, 17 worksheets, weekly practices,
  • Have daily practices (at least 7 times a day) of attending to and observing your conversational and coordination environment 
  • 4 Personal Coaching sessions, 7 Team Coaching sessions
  • You receive a written weekly practice to focus your attention which will take 2-4 hours a week for coaching sessions, reading, and reflections plus daily practices
  • 33.5 ICF CCEUs for coaches (26.5 Core Competencies, 7 Resource Development) (in addition to the FGL CCEU’s).

You will apply the power of what is introduced in the FGL workshop learning: key practice areas that impact coordination and results, deepen your somatic awareness and capacities, and create more value, impact, and facility with coordination, taking care, and producing results for your practice and your coachees. You will be able to coach and lead teams and team performance at a new level. You will  address challenges like how to elevate performance, deal with poor communication, resolve breakdowns, address distrust, produce moods for success, and create new professional value.

Generative Leadership Program

Professional standards: In your third step you can grow your skills to fulfill the standards of a profession of leadership in the Generative Leadership Program (GLP) and prepare for a lifetime of continued growth. In your next step of entering the Generative Leadership Program you  complete a full year (with the FGL and EGL) of advancing your leadership to a new level. In the program you are supported by your personal program coach, participate in a learning team with program colleagues, and also receive monthly materials for high impact practices you apply in your work and life. The full program spans 3 years in one year optional increments. You will learn to produce more effective teams, build your leadership impact as part of the profession of leadership, and grow the perspectives that help you create and fulfill possibilities for your organization’s value and impact in the world.

In your GLP program you build on your EGL program learning, and you:

  • Complete your first year with 8 months following your EGL program introducing new generative practices in your work. You have the option to continue for 2 additional one year program steps for a total of 3 years
  • Have three 3 ½ day live conferences every 4 months that you travel to – Thursday through Sunday morning
  • Receive monthly new practice assignments for application in your work
  • Work on  your real work commitments and results
  • Have your own personal Program Coach. You receive 11 personal coaching sessions  in the first 8 months, and 16 sessions in year 2 and 3. You can also purchase extra coaching sessions
  • Participate in a learning team formed of 3-5 colleagues who meet at least twice a month (virtually)
  • Deliver written learning reflections with each assignment where you report on your learning, reflections, and results 
  • Earn 2 Certifications – one in Management Practice, and one in Leadership Practice – over the 3 years
  • The program is designed for working professionals and you are expected to study and practice 3-6 hours a week on average, with time for vacations, holidays, and extra focus time.

See our graduate success stories – Herb Johnson, Alex , Andrea Bordenca, Dev Chelliah

For those leaders and managers looking to fully amplify their professional value IGL provides the option to continue for a total of three years. In this path of learning you will be guided by a your personal program coach and you will expand your capacities in generative leadership, innovation, and value creation. This is the only graduate-level leadership development program offered that amplifies your results through on-the-job practices of coordination. Nothing else like this exists in the corporate training world. 


Coaching Excellence in Organizations

Professional standards: In your third step you can grow your skills to fulfill the standards of a certified profession of coaching in organizations in the Coaching Excellence in Organizations (CEO) program and prepare for a lifetime of continued growth. This next step is designed for experienced coaches who are building their skills and the value of their offers to the organizational world. You complete your first year on the path to the possible with the first 8 months of the Coaching Excellence in Organizations (CEO) Program to advance your coaching impact in organizations to a new level.

In your CEO program you build on your EGL program learning and you: 

  • Complete your first year with 8 months following your EGL program introducing new generative practices in your coaching. You have the option to continue for 2 additional one year program steps for a total of 3 years
  • Have three 3 ½ day live conferences every 4 months that you travel to – Thursday through Sunday morning
  • Receive monthly practice assignments for application in your coaching
  • Work with your real work commitments and results
  • Have your own personal Program Coach. You receive 11 personal coaching sessions  in the first 8 months, and 16 sessions in year 2 and 3. You can also purchase extra coaching sessions
  • Participate in a learning team formed of 3-5 colleagues who meet at least twice a month (virtually)
  • Deliver written learning reflections with each assignment where you report on your learning, reflections, and results 
  • Execute a client coaching project in each of the 3 years that has to be designed, sold, and delivered with a satisfied client
  • Earn three Certifications – the first one is after year one of FGL, EGL, and CEO
    • Year 1: Excellence in Execution
    • Year 2: Generative Leadership
    • Year 3: Impact in the World 
  • Earn ICF CCEU’s
    • Year 1: 87 CCEUs (63.5 Core Competencies, 23.5 Resource Development, in addition to your FGL and EGL CCEU’s)
    • Year 2: 119 CCEUs (95 Core, 24 Resource)
    • Year 3: 119 CCEUs (75 Core, 44 Resource)
  • The program is designed for working professionals and you are expected to study and practice 3-6 hours a week on average, with time for vacations, holidays, and extra focus time.

See our graduate success stories – Terrie Lupberger, Andy Robbins, Kay Felix 

For those professional coaches looking to fully augment and amplify their professional value you have the option to continue elevating your coaching impact and the value of your offers with two additional years that focus on generative coaching of leadership, innovation, and value creation. This is the only graduate-level coaching development program that offers on-the-job practices of coaching in organizations to a professional standard.