Bob Dunham
Bob is founder of the Institute for Generative Leadership (IGL), which delivers the action-based discipline of Generative Leadership and management in the Generative Leadership Program™ (GLP) (, as well as the Coaching Excellence in Organizations (CEO) program in partnership with Newfield Network, one of the world’s leading schools of coaching (
Bob has worked since 1981 as an executive, consultant, educator and coach to executives, management teams, and coaches worldwide in leadership, communication, teamwork, and people process redesign. Prior to founding the Institute Bob was a VP at Motorola Computer Systems, COO of Action Technologies, and VP of Consulting for Business Design Associates.
Bob is co-author of The Innovator’s Way – Essential Practices for Successful Innovation with Dr. Peter Denning, published by MIT Press (, as well as the articles The Missing Customer and Innovation as Language Action with Dr. Denning. He has also published articles including: The Generative Foundations of Action in Organizations; The Body of Management; What Makes Leadership Work?; Back to School – The Top 14 Mistakes that Executives Make; a chapter in the book Being Human at Work, edited by Dr. Richard Strozzi Heckler; and has been published in numerous publications including Communications of the ACM, Training Magazine, the International Journal for Coaching in Organizations, and the Center for Quality of Management Journal. He has written over 30 proprietary papers used in his development programs.
He also developed the one-year Management in Action program for Dr. Fernando Flores, holds two degrees from Stanford University, was on the staff that developed the three-year Ontological Design Course, and has studied the discipline of embodied learning and leadership extensively. Earlier in his career, he led the on-board software development team for the Hubble Space Telescope for several years. He also co-holds two patents for workflow technology based on the structure of human coordination.
Bob founded and is active in Enterprise Performance, a performance consulting company, where he and his teams have consulted with clients that include IBM, Discovery Channel, Adobe, Toshiba America, Classmates, Scholastic, Wells Fargo, and many other companies.
He is a guest lecturer in the Executive Certification Program for Presidio Graduate School and in the Leading by Design Fellows Program for the California College of the Arts. He was Adjunct Faculty, Executive in Residence, in the Presidio Graduate School MBA program in Sustainable Management for three years, and previously taught at the University of San Francisco. He is currently exploring Chinese inner wisdom traditions for their contribution to understanding and embodying generative leadership.
Johanna Klouda
Johanna is Director of the Program Enrollment team for the Institute for Generative Leadership, and is also Program Manager for the Generative Leadership Program (GLP) and the Coaching Excellence in Organizations (CEO) program. Johanna’s commitment to developing leaders is built on her lifelong passion for understanding human relations, particularly in its embodied and emotional aspects.
Johanna has trained in the Coaching Excellence in Organizations program. She is a graduate of the Newfield Network TAPOC program (The Art of Professional Ontological Coaching). She is also certified in the 5Rings program of Stuart Heller, and is a certified teacher from Suzanne Zeman’s Listening to Bodies Long Distance program. She has studied embodied leadership with Richard Strozzi Heckler at Strozzi Institute, and Medicine Without Form with Thea Elijah. She is a certified Nia instructor, and works with a small number of private coaching clients.
Johanna holds a Master Degree in Social Work/ Social Management from the Georg- Simon- Ohm Fachhochschule in Nuernberg, Germany, and did social work in Peru. She lives in Denver, Colorado.