
Excellence in Generative Leadership Program


Excellence in Generative Leadership (EGL) is designed to guide you in focused on the job practices to elevate the impact, skills, and results you are looking for. You will practice the key skills of high-performance leaders in producing more valuable action with others. You are guided in a four-month program of relevant on the job practices including managing trust, customer satisfaction and value, breakdowns, managing conflict and disagreements, effective judgment, and coordinating team performance. You will strengthen your impact on the performance of others and widen the range of situations in which you can provide leadership.

The prerequisite for the EGL program is the 3-day Foundations of Generative Leadership workshop.

Action Learning – The Power of Practice

You learn in action, going beyond conceptual understanding through experiential learning. You go beyond experiential learning to the power of continued practice. EGL enables you to produce new actions, conversations, and results for you and your team.


The EGL 4 Month Program Promises You Will:

  • Increase your leadership and coaching impact in your world of organizations, teams and communities
  • Enhance your prior strengths and produce new skills of leadership, management, team performance, and coaching in organizations
  • Establish new habits for continuing to cultivate your leadership impact and lifelong learning
  • Become more self-aware of your own strengths, weaknesses, and blindnesses to enable focus on skills that are relevant to you
  • Clarify a learning program in support of your desired career path and ambitions
  • Learn with actual application, feedback, and focus on the results that you are creating.

The EGL Program Design

In your EGL program you will:

  • Be guided by a coach in leadership practices for 17 weeks in personal and team coaching
  • Receive practice guides, videos, and short papers on effective leadership practices that you will be guided to practice daily
  • Meet with colleagues in the program in learning teams to review what you are learning and the impact of your practice
  • Define personal and team objectives that you will work to fulfill through your learning.

Excellence in Generative Leadership (EGL) is designed to guide you in:

  • Focused on-the-job practices to elevate the impact, skills, and results you seek
  • Key skills of high-performance leaders to produce more valuable action with others
  • Key skills including: managing trust, customer satisfaction and value, breakdowns, managing conflict and disagreements, effective judgment, and coordinating team performance

EGL Skills and Practices

You will engage in key leadership and team practices and focus on those that are most relevant for you and your situation, including:

  • Conversations for Action – clear agreements for better coordination
  • Motivation: Clarifying Care and Commitment – the foundations of ownership
  • Managing Commitments and Coordination – the essence of teamwork
  • Effective Judgment – addressing disagreements and making complex decisions
  • Managing Trust – recover, maintain, and cultivate trust
  • Managing Breakdowns – bring possibilities and resolution to any situation

EGL Certification

To earn IGL Certification in EGL you will:

  1. Attend conferences, coaching sessions and complete the practices
  2. Report in writing on the learning of each practice
  3. Attend all scheduled team conversations or listen to recordings
  4. Report in writing on outcomes that you generate from your practices
  5. Pay your program tuition in full
  6. Receive the recommendation and endorsement of your personal coach

For Coaches - ICF CCEs

  • FGL 3 day workshop – 23.5 CCEUs
  • EGL 4 month program – 33.5 CCEUs
  • CEO – 87 CCEUs in Year 1– 119 for Years 2 and 3

3 Steps to Generative Leadership or
Coaching Excellence in Organizations

If you are ready to take your leadership impact and the performance of your business or new venture to a new level we invite you to explore the possibilities and promises provided by GLP or CEO.

Step 1- FGL workshop

The 3 Steps starts with the 3-day Foundations of Generative Leadership workshop (prerequisite to the following steps).

Step 2 – EGL program

4 months of EGL where you work with a personal coach in on the job application of your leadership learning (prerequisite to Step 3).

Step 3 – GLP or CEO program

Option to follow EGL in the Generative Leadership Program (GLP) or the Coaching Excellence in Organizations (CEO) program – both are 8 months of deepening your learning, skills, and impact.

Excellence in Generative Leadership (EGL) Dates and Purchase Options

  1. Virtual FGL (prerequisite for EGL) starts September 10, 2020
  2. EGL begins October 13, 2020
  3. Optional: GLP/CEO Conference Denver, CO, (dates will be provided)


Want to Learn More About the Skills You’ll Develop or How to Get Started?

* Discounts including the $300 Early Bird discount if you register by the designated time for the Foundations of Generative Leadership workshop you select.